A Collection of Stories from an Undocumented Youth in America

What If It Was You?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Reason For Sharing

Recently a friend of mines sent me a message saying she's been reading my blog. It made me very happy, so I thanked her. She said she backtracked and read it from the very beginning, my first story, and I can't help but to feel a bit ashamed every time I realize people are reading those things. I warned her it contained some really bad stuff, but she gave me very positive remarks on it. All in all, she told me some very inspiring things, and I felt compelled to share how our conversation went, and the reason I have for sharing my life in such a public place. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded of the reason why, specially when I start feeling bad and doubtful about it.
Let's call her J.C.

J.C.: I started reading from the recent posts, and then I noticed you had more in the beginning. I read your very first posts. There was a lot of intense stuff but it started out as a private blog so I know you had no intentions for everyone to see. Though, a lot of people should see this. "A Collection of Stories from an Undocumented Youth in America". It's as real as it gets when I was reading your blog. Keep posting it up as you write new posts, people do actually read these things when presented to them.

Me: Thank you! I want to make the blog a sort of recollection. You know, report of what I've been going through in life and how things are. I always had my doubts whether people take the time to read it or not. And it worries me that some people might disagree with it and have bad criticism. I got one of those in my first post, although I know it could've been much worse. I'm a bit worried that some people might get angry at me and want to tell me I'm wrong and that my suffering is actually not that much, cuz there's people who have it worse. I've heard that so many times, from so many different people. It's really frustrating. I know that if my blog becomes any more popular than what it is now (and it might), chances are that it's inevitable and I'll get people like that commenting on it.

J.C.: I was thinking about the same thing. About how there's always a critic out there who wants to go against the blogger. I fear that too, it hurts when you're sincere about what you're writing and someone else comes along and tells you "it's not that bad" or they comment about how much they oppose your beliefs. You're not a 12 year old, or a teenager whining about high school drama and how you can't afford tripp pants. You are talking about something in the present that affects your future. I understand some might be trying to help by telling you it's not that bad, but if their intentions are "just disregard the issue", then that right there isn't going to help move anyone forward. The motive you have to succeed comes from what you have gone through and what you are going through now. You can't forget where you are now, and you can't let others forget it either. Despite what people may say or think, you're not the only one going through it and what you believe and going through is the same as a lot of people out there who may in fact have no confidence in speaking out, even through writing. It's a risky thing to blog, especially when the internet is becoming a major thing in our lives. I just want to say, keep continuing, I must admit I'd be terribly scared if it were me, so I don't want you to be scared! Keep posting fillers, statistics, reports, posts on your current situation. Inform us, inspire us to believe in what you believe in.

Thank you, J.C.. I will keep striving to make this blog an inspiration to anyone who opens up to it! And I will most definitely strive to make it as informative as I can. Because after all, my goal IS to share what it is like to live the day to day life of someone who is directly affected by a major issue of this country.
The same way I've been inspired by strong people who strive with either the same things I do, or with something worse, I want to inspire those people too. To keep on fighting, to never give up, to never let anyone put you down. We ARE the next generation, and because of what we've been through, we are STRONGER. We are FIGHTERS. We will make this country a better place, BECAUSE of what we've had to go through.
And I believe in that with all of my being.

God bless all of you!