A Collection of Stories from an Undocumented Youth in America

What If It Was You?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fourth Story - Escape, Soreness, Worry, and lots of Activism

So, like I predicted, I didn't have the time or the access to a computer for long enough to update this blog. How are you guys doing? I didn't mean to spend three weeks away, but I didn't have a choice. It sucks not having a laptop, much more not having the MONEY for a laptop. Or, not being able to work for the money for a laptop, I should say. I think that's what sucks the most.

Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and try to catch this blog up with everything that happened in the last three weeks, but try to be quick about it. It's actually already three thirty in the morning and I have to be up by ten. I've always been such a horrible procrastinator. I'm super tired too, but there's still a lot to do. I just really wanted to write here so I'm procrastinating a bit more.

Unfortunately I can't go into details, cuz if I do, I won't be done until seven in the morning or later, who knows. But I can say that I have actually been enjoying myself quite a lot ever since I came back to O Town. Gosh, I missed this city so much. I cannot possibly express in words how happy I am to be back here, and out of that hellhole I was at before.

Sorry... Without further ado...
I spent that one last weekend of February with my friends in Miami, that was after my wisdom teeth surgery. It wasn't easy, but I hardly had anything to complain about. I was so happy to just BE there. My friends took very good care of me. I wanna show them how grateful I am for taking me out of the state I was in before, but I'm afraid I've been horrible at it lately. Life picked up exactly where I had left it off before moving away almost five months ago, and I got so overwhelmed and busy, that I actually had quite a few people who got frustrated or straight out angry at me, for not giving them the attention they deserve. For that I am sorry, and I recognize I am terrible at communication. My procrastinator nature doesn't help either. I'm working on that, I promise.
Well, that last weekend of February was great, I met some really nice people down there, it was a bit stressful because of the move, all the driving, my post-surgery state, and how far everything seemed to be, but in the end all worked out fine.
I got dropped off at my other friend's place at almost four in the morning, and that's how... the chaos... started.
Again, trying not to go into much detail here. I went back to my martial arts academy first thing. I can't describe everyone's reaction better than plain surprise. I heard a lot about my looks and how much weight I seem to have lost. I liked that, of course.
Going back into training has been rough. My body's not used to the strain anymore, after so long in a standstill, so I always seem to be horribly sore as of late.
A lot of people calling, wanting to see me, to hang out. I don't make plans, I either let people make them for me, or I make it up as we go along. I found, throughout the course of my life, that that works a million times better than trying to plan something.

I also found a way to join the O-town DREAM Act Coalition almost as soon as I was in town, and I've been super excited ever since. This is possibly one of the highlights of this post. The coalition, as of late, has been using me to help them promote and organize stuff. I'm excited about this Friday's Gathering downtown, to talk about the DREAM Act and visit some congressmens' offices and such. I somehow got to be a speaker for it so I'm sharing my story and talking a bit about the bill. I'm supposed to be working on that speech right now, actually, but of course I'm procrastinating. Besides, it's so late and I'm so tired anyway, that if I tried to write anything down it would just sound like it came from a drunk.
I will definitely try to get it recorded, tho. Hehe.

Asides from that, I am going to Washington DC this weekend for the March for Immigration Reform they're having in front of the white house. I got my pass for free and such. Not much else to say about that.

So, all in all, I am super happy that I'm getting to be so much more involved in the cause and on my way to become an actual Activist. Wooo!

Of course there's shittons more I wish I could talk about here, but I am almost falling asleep on my keyboard so I have to go now. Glad I was able to at least make some sort of update. I'll try to type up something more as soon as I get a chance again.

" I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel what it’s like to be new
'Cause in my head there’s a Greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far-off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place where they’re far more suited then here

And I cannot guess what we’ll discover
When we turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels
But I know our filthy hands can wash one another’s
And not one speck will remain

And I do believe it’s true that there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you than I hope it takes me too
So Brown Eyes I’ll hold you near ‘cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

Where soul meets body... "

1 comment:

  1. you're so lucky to be able to go to the march!

    and that song is great although i dont like the sound of it much but it has great lyrics.
